You are warmly invited to the last structured WTSL event of 2024 on 4th December at 11am. 

Join us as we: 

v Learn how to effectively manage our mental health and wellbeing 

v Connect and Network with other women leaders 

v Enjoy a lovely meal with like-minded women from across Lincolnshire 

We are thrilled that Joan Idowu will be facilitating an interesting and expressive (art therapy) workshop. This promises to be a great session to celebrate the end of the year, and perhaps help us start making mentally healthier plans for the coming year.  

Joan earned her Clinical Psychology degree from the University of Lincoln and her MSc in Clinical Paediatric Neuropsychology, Psychology from UCL. She is the CEO and Founder of  Several Seats, and alongside managing a Community Interest Company, Joan works as an Assistant Psychologist for the Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. 

You won’t want to miss this fun and helpful event.  

There will be opportunities to network with others from 10:30am till around 1:30pm.  

We look forward to seeing you at this WTSL event.

Please Contact Us if you would like more information, or would like to attend.